Chinese Scalp Acupuncture for Disorders of the Nervous System: Jiao & Fang Style
Chinese scalp acupuncture (CSA) is a contemporary acupuncture technique integrating traditional Chinese needling methods with Western biomedical knowledge of the neuroanatomy, neurology and neuroscience. Different styles of Scalp Acupuncture have been developed early on in China, among them Jiao, Fang and Zhu style Scalp Acupuncture.
Scalp acupuncture has been proven to be the most effective technique for treating acute and chronic central nervous system disorders. Scalp acupuncture often produces remarkable results with just a few needles and usually brings about immediate improvements.
Acupuncture has been used to prevent and treat disease in China for thousands of years. Scalp acupuncture, however, is a modern innovation and development with just 50 years of history. Scalp acupuncture is frequently used in the rehabilitation of paralysis due to stroke, multiple sclerosis, automobile accidents, and Parkinson’s disease. It is also used in pain management, especially that caused by the central nervous system, such as phantom pain, complex regional pain, and residual limb pain. It has been proven to have very good results in treating PTSD, TBI, aphasia, ataxia, and Menière’s disease. Join Jason and Linda Hao (PhD) for a 3-day intensive course from 1st – 3rd November 2019 in Amsterdam. This course introduces Chinese Scalp Acupuncture to you through didactic material, demonstration of techniques, and clinical experience for participants. The didactic material covers the anatomy and physiology of the brain and the scalp, in order to show the location and indications of scalp acupuncture points. Demonstration and hands-on segments cover needling techniques and stimulation of needles on fellow participants. This course contains many case studies from their clinical practice and seminars. The range of their successful cases spans over the past thirty-seven years.
The technique of scalp acupuncture is systematic, logical, easy to understand, and straightforward to practice. Chinese Scalp Acupuncture is more accessible, less expensive, entails less risk, can yield quicker responses, and causes fewer side effects than many Western treatments for neurological disorders. If you have ever wished you could do more to help patients with seriously debilitating central nervous system conditions that other therapies cannot reach, this course is definitely for you!
Detailed Course Description:
Day 1: Jiao Style Scalp Acupuncture
The first day is an introduction to Jiao Style Scalp Acupuncture based on the work of neurosurgeon Jiao Shun Fa. The workshop will introduce the locations of stimulation areas and their indications, the needling techniques and contraindications of scalp acupuncture. This is meant as an introductory course for new students or as a review for last year’s attendees.
Day 2:
- Morning: Foundations of Fang Style Scalp Acupuncture
The morning of the second day is dedicated to a new style of Scalp Acupuncture: Fang Style Scalp Acupuncture, which is also the style from which Dr. Tan borrowed his image on the Scalp.
The creator of Fang’s Acupuncture is Dr. Yun Peng Fang, who was educated in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture by his father. After graduating from Medical School of Henan (University) 1936, he served in the army as a surgeon. Because of a lack of medication during WWII, Dr. Fang used acupuncture to relieve postoperative pain disorders. Being able to test his methods on thousands of patients, he thus developed his style of Scalp Acupuncture.
- Afternoon: Scalp Acupuncture for Children with complicated disorders
This is the topic on which Linda Hao wrote her PhD and is very passionate about. It is also what Linda is treating day in day out in their clinic. With the assistance of Jason, she will give an in depth lecture about how to treat children with disorders of the central nervous system including epilepsy, learning disabilities and other developmental disabilities, attention deficit disorders, sleep disorders, neuromuscular disorders, neurogenetic disorders, mental retardation and cerebral palsy.
Day 3:
- Morning: Scalp Acupuncture for MS and Parkinson’s disease
We will start the 3rd day with an in-depth focus on the neurodegenerative disorders Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease.
In the interview we did with Jason last year he said: “We have treated many MS patients and had good results. Many of them are free of symptoms and changed to remission. The best results that I got is a lawyer with MS for 20 years and he was disabled from his work for 12 years. He had weakness and stiffness of legs, poor balance, trouble walking even with a cane, decreased eye vision, severe fatigue and depression. After 3 treatments all of his symptoms were gone and he returned to a full-time work after 4 treatments. He has no MS symptoms for 5 years now and has a normal life.”
- Afternoon: Scalp Acupuncture for Concussion, Traumatic Brain Injury and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
The last afternoon of the workshop we will finish with a focus on dramatic injuries to the nervous system from external influences such as physical trauma (concussions or brain injuries due to accidents for example) or emotional trauma (PTSD).
Who is this seminar for?
This course is designed for TCM and medical practitioners who have completed basic acupuncture training and have had experience in clinical acupuncture. Their experience might be in general medical applications, pain management, or rehabilitation medicine. The participants will enhance their clinical ability to improve, relieve, and treat difficult neurological, neurodegenerative and neuromuscular disorders.
General Indications for Scalp Acupuncture:
- rehabilitation of paralysis due to stroke,
- multiple sclerosis,
- car accidents,
- cerebral palsy, and
- Parkinson disease.
It is also often used in pain management, especially for pain caused by the central nervous system, such as
- phantom pain,
- complex regional pain,
- and residual limb pain.
It has been proven to have very effective results in treating
- aphasia,
- loss of balance,
- loss of hearing,
- dizziness,
- vertigo,
- traumatic brain injury,
- post-concussion syndrome,
- and cerebral palsy.
Watch this short video to learn what kind of things you will learn to treat and the “miracles” Jason and Linda perform in their clinic.
What are the learning objectives of this seminar?
At the conclusion of this seminar, attendees should be able to:
- Get a brief overview of the history, theory, and research of Chinese scalp acupuncture
- Master the locations, proper needling, and clinical applications of Jiao and Fang style Scalp acupuncture areas
- Improve their effective recovery rate for many neurological disorders
- Help patients with even the most challenging and difficult neurological conditions
- Add a new high-level skill and performance to their clinical acupuncture practice
- Recognize contraindications to the use of Chinese scalp acupuncture
About the speakers
Jason Jishun Hao was among a lucky group of doctors who were able to study scalp acupuncture techniques directly with early pioneers such as Dr. Jiao Shun Fa, Dr. Yu Zhi Shun, Dr. Zhu Ming Qing and Dr. Sun Shen Tian. Jason Hao is the president of Neuroacupuncture Institute located in Santa Fe, N.M. He has been practicing, teaching, and researching Chinese scalp acupuncture for 35 years. Jason Hao is a co-author of the book “Chinese Scalp Acupuncture” published in 2011. For more information please visit
Linda Lingzhi Hao PhD, was born in Harbin, Heilongjiang, China. She studied for four years under Dr. Sun Shentian, a highly acclaimed professor of Scalp acupuncture in China. She also studied with Dr. Jiao Shunfa, one of the founders of Chinese Scalp Acupuncture. She is a successful practitioner of scalp acupuncture with a well-established practice. Throughout her professional career, Dr. Linda Hao has published several articles in Acupuncture Today in the US, the Chinese Journal of Information of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and The World Federation of Acupuncture in Beijing. Her article about clinical research on fibromyalgia, published in Traditional Medicine and People’s Health by the Third International Congress on Traditional Medicine, was awarded the highest honour in Beijing, China in 2003.
Please let us know if you need accreditation with NVA or Zhong, so we can apply for it in advance.
Seminar dates & location
1st – 3rd November 2019, Amsterdam
Seminar Cost
- Regular price for all 3 days: 550 Euros
- Regular price for only 2nd – 3rd November: 450 Euros
- Student discounts available.