TCM Expert Interviews
We are excited to publish a series of short interviews with clinical experts and passionate TCM practitioners from all over the world. The aim of the interviews is to allow practitioners to discover new treatment techniques that they can incorporate in their daily clinical practice to make a difference in their patients’ lives.
Different acupuncture techniques are good at treating different disorders. Scalp Acupuncture for instance is good for disorders of the central nervous system. Our first interview is with Jason Hao, president of the Neuro-Acupuncture Institute in the US. Jason Hao was among a lucky group of doctors who were able to study scalp acupuncture techniques directly with early pioneers such as Dr. Jiao Shun Fa, Dr. Yu Zhi Shun, Dr. Zhu Ming Qing and Dr. Sun Shen Tian. Jason Hao is the president of Neuroacupuncture Institute located in Santa Fe, N.M. He has been practicing, teaching, and researching Chinese scalp acupuncture for 35 years. Jason Hao is a co-author of the book “Chinese Scalp Acupuncture” published in 2011.
Jason Hao – Neuro-Acupuncture – Interview
Our second expert interview is with Dr. Andy Rosenfarb, who runs the largest Chinese Medical Ophthalmology clinic in the US. Andy has published a series of books about how to treat eye disorders with Chinese Medicine and has developped a system of acupuncture called MicroAcupuncture 48. His techniques are rapidly becoming the standard for treating eye disorders with acupuncture.
Andy Rosenfarb – Chinese Medical Ophthalmology – Interview
The third Interview is with Dave Shipsey about the power of Abdominal Acupuncture, a pretty much painless micro system, with which you can get great results treating a variety of disorders, ranging from digestive gynecological issues to muscular skeletal pain and disorders of the central nervous system.
Dave Shipsey – Mastering the Art of Abdominal Acupuncture Interview
Another fantastic style of acupuncture to treat disorders of the central nervous system is Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture. David Bomzon explains in this interview the difference between Chinese and Japanese Scalp acupuncture and how he combines them sometimes.
Have you ever heard of Motor Point Acupuncture? Is it the same thing as dry needling? Not really. Richard Hazel explains the difference between the two, and how you can integrate this fantastic style of acupuncture into your own practice.
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